
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Story - Part 4

I had to take a break after the last post. I'm back now and ready to tell you my final stage. The stage I am in now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is my final stage so I can close this chapter and start fresh.

So a few years have passed now since my third trauma, 9 years to be exact. I am now married to a wonderful man and have two very beautiful children. My final part began after the birth of my daughter, my second child. My pregnancy went by just fine. I ended it the same as my first one, with preecalmpsia. She was born and she was healthy and that was all that mattered. At my six week checkup I had already informed my OBGYN that I was having EXTREME pain with sex and inserting tampons. Pain so bad that I was crying. During the check-up she asked if I had natural birth or a c-section. I had a c-section, but she swore that I looked as if I had just went through a natural delivery. Inside of me, I had a quarter-size blister, almost hole, that had formed and I was very inflammed. She started me on estrogen cream to thicken my internal skin. The estrogen did fix that spot inside of me after a couple weeks but I was still having intense pain if touched. My OBGYN then referred me out to UNC hospital to Dr. John Steege. I was then seen by him (which I highly recommended him to anyone suffering from vulvar vestibulitis in North Carolina) and he said that I had a mild form of vulvar vestibulitis. I was given a compound cream, Estridal and Lidocaine, and told to try Gene's Vitamin E lotion to relieve discomfort and start physical therapy. After a year of using the compound cream, physical therapy and MANY trials with relief care, my vestibulitis has improved. Well enough to not have to even use the cream anymore. What wonderful news!!! The pain with sex and tampons is gone, all better, the vestibulitis is GONE!!!

Well actually let's back-up...

I forgot to mention that during all this I started to develop that itch again. Yes, the itch has returned. The dreaded, life altering itch that controlled my younger days is back and stronger than before. What a disappointment. It took months before I finally was switched over to the Vulvar Pain Center at UNC, but it was well worth the wait. My first appointment was yesterday with Elisabeth Johnson... I truly believe that she is an angel. She is the first person that has dealt with me that understands me. She made me comfortable, she told me things about myself that I didn't even know and she has given me hope. She has told me what she expects of me and told me that she WILL make sure that I achieve all my goals that I had started and never was able to finish. She told me that I have to heal from this and everything else that has happened to me because, well, who else is going to teach my little girl how to be a strong, independent woman.

I now know that what I am dealing with is a nerve issue. Who would have guessed that a nerve could make you itch so bad. I cannot explain to you yet how it all works, I hope to be able to eventually; remember this is a journey and we are all learning together.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I followed your link from the FB group. Thanks so much for sharing. You've been through a lot! Your doctor sounds wonderful. I wish all doctors- even the knowledgeable ones- were as sensitive to the emotional, life-impacting dimensions of vulvar pain. Best of luck and keep us updated!
